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We Can Go to the Beach - Storytime Online

Writer: Leanna ChappellLeanna Chappell

Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for We Can Go to the Beach by Gavin Harper.

Michelle and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Tuesday, August 1 (today!), the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime this month!

Enjoy a FREE copy of the book and more!

"We Can Go to the Beach" by Gavin Harper

Visit the beach with this Scholastic guided science reader full of fun pictures, sand, and sun!

to hear the story read for Scholastic Guided Science Readers. Then, enjoy the activities! Everything is yours to keep!

Kits include:

  • a FREE copy of We Can Go to the Beach

  • information page

  • colors game (5 colored shells)

  • 3 activity pages

  • 2 coloring pages

  • rhymes/song pages with weblinks (instrument included)

  • sandcastle sticker scene craft

  • 3 magnets from the story

  • beach stickers

*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*

HANDOUT GAMES – play with included shell handouts

Can You Show Me…?

(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)

Can you show me the purple shell?

Purple shell, purple shell?

Can you show me the purple shell?

And wave it in the air?

White… yellow… blue… pink

Hold It High – Choose one shell from handouts

Hold your shell high and stand

Now wave it around in gestures grand!

Hold your shell below your chin

Now hold it way up high again

Hold your shell against your nose

Now touch the shell to your toes

Touch your shell to the ground

Now wave that shell all around!

Hold your shell in front of you

Now turn around – one time, two!

Hold your shell and jump up high!

Now let your shell fly fly fly (throw it in the air)

SONGS & INSTRUMENT – use included instruments

Let’s Go to the Beach! by AO KIDS

Beach Song by CoComelon

Sandcastles by Flick & Friends

Down In the Deep Blue Sea by Super Simple Songs

BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)

I’m A Little Seagull

(“I’m a little tea pot”)

I’m a little seagull

Watch me fly

I fly down low

And then up high

I fly up and down and round and round

And then I land down on the ground

I’m a little seagull

Watch me run

Fast across the beach

Then slow for fun

I run in circles and kick the sand

Then I slow down and I stand


The Waves in the Sea

(“The Wheels on the Bus”)

The waves in the sea go,

Up and down, (make a rolling wave by moving one hand up and down)

Up and down,

Up and down,

The waves in the sea go,

Up and down,

All day long.

The sharks in the sea go snap, snap, snap…

The fish in the sea go swish, swish, swish…

The crabs in the sea go click, click, click…

Fishy Pokey

(“Hokey Pokey”)

Put your left fin in, take your left fin out

You do the fishy pokey and you turn yourself around

That’s what it’s all about

Put your right fin in… tail… (etc.)

Pretty Shells

(“Jingle Bells”)

Pretty shells, pretty shells

Laying all around.

What a lovely sight to see

Shells upon the ground.

Pick one up, it’s good luck!

Listen to the roar

Of the never-ending waves

That beat upon the shore!

Five Cheeky Fish

Five cheeky fishes,

(hold up five fingers)

Swimming in the sea,

Teasing Mr Shark,

‘You can’t catch me-e!’

Along comes Mr Shark

(form shark with second hand)

As quiet as can be and


(clap hands together loudly)

Four cheeky fishes...

Three cheeky fishes...

Two cheeky fishes...

One cheeky fish...

All the Fish

All the fish are swimming in the water,

Swimming in the water,

Swimming in the water,

All the fish are swimming in the water,

All day long.

Great big fish are swimming in the water… (sing with a low voice)

Itsy bitty fish are swimming in the water… (sing with a high voice)


Scholastic’s site:

Let us know what your little ones thought of We Can Go to the Beach! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?


(419) 826-2760

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