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It's Okay to Make Mistakes - Storytime Online

Writer: Leanna ChappellLeanna Chappell

Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for It's Okay to Make Mistakes by Todd Parr.

Michelle and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Friday, June 30 (today!), the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime this month!

Enjoy a FREE copy of the book and more!

"It's Okay to Make Mistakes" by Todd Parr

It's Okay to Make Mistakes embraces life's happy accidents, the mistakes and mess-ups that can lead to self discovery. From coloring outside the lines and creating a unique piece of art to forgetting an umbrella but making a new friend, each page offers a kid-friendly take on the importance of taking chances, trying new things, and embracing life, mistakes and all.

to watch the story read by the author for KidLit TV. Then, enjoy the activities! Everything is yours to keep!

Kits include:

  • a FREE copy of It's Okay to Make Mistakes

  • information page

  • colors game (5 colored broken eggs)

  • 2 activity pages

  • 3 coloring pages

  • rhymes/song pages with weblinks (instrument included)

  • rescue hero sticker scene craft

  • 3 magnets from the story

  • owl or flip-flop stickers

*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*

HANDOUT GAMES – play with included broken egg handouts

Can You Show Me…?

(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)

Can you show me the purple egg?

Purple egg, purple egg?

Can you show me the purple egg?

And wave it in the air?

White… yellow… blue… brown

Hold It High – Choose one egg from handouts

Hold your egg high and stand

Now wave it around in gestures grand!

Hold your egg below your chin

Now hold it way up high again

Hold your egg against your nose

Now touch the egg to your toes

Touch your egg to the ground

Now wave that egg all around!

Hold your egg in front of you

Now turn around – one time, two!

Hold your egg and jump up high!

Now let your egg fly fly fly (throw it in the air)

SONGS & INSTRUMENT – use included instruments

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by PBS KIDS

Making Mistakes Is OK! by LBB Junior

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes by JunyTony

The “Mistakes” Song by The Paper Girls Show

BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)

Little Red Wagon

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

(Bounce up and down on lap)

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

Won’t you be my darling?

One wheel off and the axle’s dragging,

(Tipping from side to side)

One wheel off and the axle’s dragging,

One wheel off and the axle’s dragging,

Won’t you be my darling?

Hammer that wheel back on the wagon,

(clap hands together)

Hammer that wheel back on the wagon,

Hammer that wheel back on the wagon,

Won’t you be my darling?

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

(Bounce up and down on lap)

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon,

Won’t you be my darling?


Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist twist twist

Can’t do this this this

Touch his knees knees knees

Touch his nose nose nose

Touch his hair hair hair

Touch his toes toes toes

Can you?

Oliver Twist twist twist

Can’t do this this this

Touch his ears ears ears

Touch his waist waist waist

Touch his eyes eyes eyes

Touch his face face face.

Can you?

Open Them, Shut Them

Open them, shut them, open them, shut them,

Give a little clap, clap, clap!

Open them, shut them, open them, shut them,

Lay them in your lap.

Creep them, creep them,

Slowly creep them right up to your chin!

Open up your little mouth but do not let them in!

Open them, shut them, open them, shut them,

To your shoulders fly!

Now like little birdies

Let them fly up to the sky!

Falling, falling, falling, falling,

Almost to the ground!

Quickly pick them up again and turn them around and around!

Faster! Faster! Faster!

Slower, slower, slower

Give a little clap!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Itsy-Bitsy Spider

The itsy-bitsy spider

Crawled up the water spout.

Down came the rain,

And washed the spider out.

Out came the sun,

And dried up all the rain,

And the itsy-bitsy spider

Went up the spout again!

Three Little Monkeys

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head!

Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said:


Two little monkeys…

One little monkey…


Todd Parr’s site:

KidLit TV’s site:

Let us know what your little ones thought of It's Okay to Make Mistakes! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?

(419) 826-2760

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