Welcome to our online book club for grades 9 - 12! We are excited for you to join us in our discussion for The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.
Along with a free copy of the book, you will receive a review page so you can tell us what you thought of the book! You will also receive a flyer for this website, a questions page to consider, activity pages, and an information page with cool links related to the book!
Please remember that we have a limited number of kits available, so it's first come, first served. If you have any special requests or need accommodations, please let Leanna or Amanda know!
All we ask is that you read the book: do as much or as little of the rest of it as you want!
"The Scorpio Races" by Maggie Stiefvater
"It happens at the start of every November: the Scorpio Races. Riders attempt to keep hold of their water horses long enough to make it to the finish line. Some riders live. Others die.
At age nineteen, Sean Kendrick is the returning champion. He is a young man of few words, and if he has any fears, he keeps them buried deep, where no one else can see them.
Puck Connolly is different. She never meant to ride in the Scorpio Races. But fate hasn’t given her much of a chance. So, she enters the competition — the first girl ever to do so. She is in no way prepared for what is going to happen..."
*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*
Maggie Stiefvater’s websites:
Q&A with Maggie Stiefvater about writing The Scorpio Races:
The Scorpio Races Festival tumblr. The yearly festival was inspired by the book:
Glossary of terms used in The Scorpio Races:
More about water horses, in general and specifically about the Scottish kelpie:
Included as well: a Scorpio Races bookmark, a recipe for salted butter tea (to go with the book’s November cakes), a design-your-own-capaill coloring page, and a word search.
*You will also receive this really cool bookmark!
We hope you enjoy these activities and cannot wait to hear what you thought of the book! We also hope you enjoyed the extra links. Remember, you can comment here on this website, email us at swantonpl@gmail.com, or come in and turn in a physical copy!